8.1. Regular Meeting

Shall be held on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm at such a place ordered by the director or called by the president.

The President shall preside over all regular meetings of the Unit and shall only vote in the event of a tie.

September, intervening holidays, and other excusable dates being excepted. September being excepted as it is replaced by the Annual Meeting.

Order of business at regular business meetings shall include:

  1. Opening prayer.

  2. Pledge of allegiance.

  3. Roll call.

  4. Recognition of life members.

  5. Secretary’s report of previous minutes.

  6. Treasurers report on Unit finances.

  7. Sick Report.

  8. Correspondence and orders.

  9. Committee reports.

  10. Old business.

  11. New business.

  12. Directors report and instructions.

  13. Good of the order.

  14. Potentates message.

  15. Closing prayer.

A minimum of 5 board members are required to constitute a quorum for a regular meeting.