4.1.1. Apprentice MembersΒΆ
To be eligible to become an apprentice member, a non-member must:
Be a brother in good standing of a Masonic blue lodge.
Be a noble in good standing of Elf Khurafeh Shrine Temple.
To enter the unit as an apprentice member, a non-member must:
Meet or exceed the eligibility requirements set forth above.
Submit a written petition for membership to the Unit President.
Have his petition read in full twice before the membership at two separate Regular Meeting.
Receive a seventy-five percent majority vote from the membership after the second reading of his petition.
Upon entering the unit as an apprentice, each member shall receive:
One Membership Card indicating apprentice membership status.
One copy of these bylaws in their most recently released revision.
An apprentice member:
Shall be permitted to participate in Outings.
Shall not be permitted to wear Unit Insignia.
Shall not be permitted to run for Elected Officer Positions.
Shall not wear a Clown Jeweled Fez.
Apprentice members are expected to:
Consult with Apprentice Director before picking out makeup, costume, and/or clown name.
Attend all meetings of the Unit.
Participate in all outings.
Assist with cleanup at all outings and events.